Friday, June 29, 2012

Early College Years...more old pictures!

I have been going through old pictures and I came across these gems...just the way I remember the early college years. Going to the lake, hanging out with Donelle and Randy and the gang (Becky, Jusin, Michael, Allison, Jason, and Leslie), going to  Mt. Graham and helping make the biscuits for Labor Day dinner...or maybe 4th of July dinner... and working at Mt. Graham Family Practice. I loved doing all of these things and getting to know some of the greatest people I have ever met. (I am not sure what is up with the ski outfit I have on...I probably used whatever winter garb I could find to run out the door last minute and I have no pride when I am cold,lol)....but regardless of the wretchedness of the clothing, had to post this ski trip as it was the most memorable since we broke down on the side of the rode coming back from New Mexico, late at night and it was just 4 girls. Funny Now, Scary then. 

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