Wednesday, March 26, 2008

George Washington

I have been reading a biography of George Washington the last couple weeks and I found out that I had a few misconceptions about our #1 President. The whole cherry tree thing-never happened. It was just something made up by some guy from his conception of how he thought GW was. The famous picture of Him leading the army across the Delaware, standing at the front of the boat - didn't happen exactly like that. There were quite a few things I know I learned in school that turned out to be not quite accurate and I have to say that, at first, I was dissappointed that GW wasn't the perfect youth and man that I thought he was. However, I think I like him even more now because he wasn't perfect and he conquered most of his imperfections to become a great man. One other thing about him I didn't know was that at the end of the war there were those that wanted GW to take control of the country in a military "coup" of sorts. GW would have none of it and stopped this idea. The biographer states " He was sufficiently selfconfident, assured about who he was and what he had acheived, to ignore all whisperings of his indispensability." I loved this because I think it shows that George Washington was humble and believed in a higher power and was so secure in this knowledge that he was not swayed by the temptation of being the dictator of America. (Maybe some similar feelings as Ammon. See Alma 26:12) I think we all can do great things if we are all more self assured and confident that we are children of God and that He is in control and in His strength we can do all things.


Laura said...

I don't know if I read the same biography you did but I read one and had a similar experience. What a great leader! I'm a dork but I really like to read stuff like that.

Donelle said...

I've realized more than ever that it really is through His strength...that we can survive and become great people. I have had to rely on that a lot here in Texas. I keep assuring Randy that with prayer and faith he will be able to pass his classes. I'm hoping that he believes it cause I know that it is true!

Gardner Family said...

I'm glad you found a great book to read. It makes me ashamed of reading "People" magazine in the tub!!

dezertgirlaz said...

You are the coolest! I've been saying that I was going to read about our dear founding fathers for a couple of years now and haven't even started yet! Tanisha you're not the only one that reads the People as well!